Membership 2020 / 2021


Membership Benefits

  • Part of a local community of beekeepers
  • Membership of SBKA and BBKA 1
  • Source of information and discussion
  • Regular emails including The Apiarist 2
  • Lectures and demonstrations
  • Swarm list
  1. Sussex Beekeepers' Assoociation and British Beekeepers Association
  2. The online magazine of the HWBKA
  • 3rd Party Public Liability Insurance
  • Bee Diseases Insurance
  • BBKA News - Monthly magazine
  • Beekeeping examinations
  • Representation at local, regional, and national level
  • Access to regional and national shows and conventions

HWBKA Membership Class Benefits


Full   -   £28
Partner   -   £17 
Junior   -   £12
Associate/Social   -   £10

Bee Diseases Insurance
Full membership includes Bee Diseases Insurance (BDI) for up to 3 colonies.

If you require BDI cover for additional colonies then the premiums are:

Up to 5 colonies (including the basic three) an additional £2.00
Up to 10 colonies (including the basic three) an additional £5.25
Up to 15 colonies (including the basic three) an additional £7.75
Up to 20 colonies (including the basic three) an additional £9.50
Up to 25 colonies (including the basic three) an additional £11.10
Up to 30 colonies (including the basic three) an additional £13.60
Up to 35 colonies (including the basic three) an additional £16.10
Up to 39 colonies (including the basic three) an additional £18.10