Join Us!

Joining the High Weald Bee Keepers' Association (HWBKA) also provides  you with membership of the British Beekeepers' Association (BBKA) and the Sussex Beekeepers' Association.

As well as affiliation to the SBKA and the BBKA, registered membership provides Bee Keepers with Third Party Insurance cover, and includes Bee Disease Insurance for 3 hives through BDI. You can extend the cover to more hives for a further fee. As a member of the BBKA you also get the monthly BBKA magazine - BBKA News, which is a treasure trove of useful information and in itself worth the subscription.
Our own local newsletter, the Apiarist, comes out every couple of months, by e-mail.
You also get access to the Association Library, the use of our rental equipment and the opportunity to attend monthly meetings. As you can see (page right) we also have a Facebook page where members can share experiences, photographs etc.

There are various levels of participation, Registered Membership which includes family members living at the same address for social activities, Junior Membership is for those under 18 yrs, Associate Membership for those who are already a member of another affiliated Beekeeping Association, and  Partner Membership, more details of which can be found in the Membership Guide

Note: for those taking our full Beginners Course membership is included in the course fee.

If you would like to become a member of the High Weald Beekeepers' Association, please read the accompanying page Membership Guide and complete a Membership Application / Renewal Form.

Should you have any concerns or questions you cannot find answers to in this website please don't hesitate to e-mail the Membership Secretary & they will resolve the issue.

If you're not sure which association you should join, below is a map from the Sussex Beekeepers Association which shows how the region is divided up - just click on the area you are interested in to get to their local association website.

and of course you can still join HWBKA if you prefer, even if you are outside the area.