Crowfest 2022
Goldsmiths Recreation Ground, Crowborough Eridge Road Crowborough, TN6 2TN United Kingdom Goldsmiths Recreation Ground, Crowborough, United KingdomCrowfest 2022 - Crowborough Town Council
Crowfest 2022 - Crowborough Town Council
For those registered on the 2022 beginners course. Times are indicative and may vary. Malcolm will confirm. Honey Extraction. Starting at Slab Castle to remove supers, and then to Horsted Green for extraction.
For those registered on the 2022 beginners course. Times are indicative and may vary. Malcolm will confirm. Preparing for winter.
No need to register . . . just turn up and have a good evening . . .
Andy will be talking to the association by zoom on the 11th October 2022 at 7:30pm. He will talk for an hour or so, then will take questions. Andy retired as an Environmental Health Officer in 2018, but as a bee keeper he had already developed an interest in both the legal and practical sides ...continue reading
Lotions and potions workshop, using products from the beehive. 14th October Hartfield village Hall Starts promptly at 7pm- 9pm. £10 per person. (Soap, handcream, waxeline, lip balm.) Please message Helen Hadley to book your place. 20 places available. Booking closes Sunday 9th October
This meeting is for committee members only, but if you have any issue that you would like raised then please email any member of the committee (or see contacts page).
Members interested in applying for exams should contact the Association Exam Secretary - Harold Cloutt - to request a link.
Candle making workshop. Please register by clicking <<here>>
This year's Honey Show and AGM is on Sunday 27th November at the Five Ashes Village Hall. Click <<here>> for more details
This meeting is for SBKA committee members only, but if you have any issue that you would like raised then please email any member of the HWBKA committee who can relay (see contacts page).
The Middle House, Mayfield, Friday, 16th December 2022, Start at 19.00 Sitting down is 19.30
Sat 28th January Hartfield village hall 2pm-4pm A demonstration of how to make Matcha soap (a gentleman’s soap) and a discussion of the principles of soap making. The use of honey and beeswax will be discussed. A hands on session where individuals will be pouring their own soaps and adding botanicals of their choosing. You ...continue reading
This meeting is for SBKA committee members only, but if you have any issue that you would like raised then please email any member of the HWBKA committee who can relay (see contacts page).
Talk on Queen rearing Wednesday February 15th 7:30pm - 9:30pm Ashurst Village Hall Please register by clicking <<here>>
Bee Banter - Rose and Crown, Mayfield No need to book; just come along and chat.
Beeswax wraps and soft set honey Sat Feb 25th - 10am-12:30pm Cost is £15 Please register by clicking <<here>>
Sussex Beekeeper's AGM to be hosted by the Eastbourne division to be held in Uckfield
Sat March 11th 9am-5pm Microscopy day (now fully booked)
Open invitation from Brighton & Lewes BKA - Wed 15th March at Lewes Brighton & Lewes BKA are extending an invitation to their monthly meeting at Lewes, from 7.20pm on 15th March at Eastgate Baptist Church Hall, Eastgate St, Lewes, BN7 2LR where they have a talk by Malcolm Wilkie – titled “Queen Handling and ...continue reading
Swarm control session (including making up a nuc and doing a split without finding the queen) Sat 1st April 11am-2pm - Horsted Park apiary Please register by clicking << here >>
Setting up a colony for Queen rearing Saturday 15th April - 11am-2pm at Horsted Green Park apiary Please register by clicking < here >
Bee Banter - Rose and Crown, Mayfield No need to book; just come along and chat.
Use of mini mating hives Friday 5th May - 11am-2pm at Horsted Green Park apiary Please register by clicking < here >
Bee Market The 2023 Bee Market invited talk ” From Buckfast to Buckingham Palace“ to be given by Richard Rickitt from BeeCraft Magazine. The annual Sussex Bee Market will be held this year at a new venue ...Uckfield Community College which has ...continue reading
For those that have signed up to take the assessment. Timings to be confirmed.
Introducing a mated Queen to a nuc Please register by clicking << here >>
BBKA "Basic Assessment" exam at Horsted Green Park apiary If interested and you have not already applied click < here >
Bee Banter - Rose and Crown, Mayfield No need to book; just come along and chat.
Identifying a queenless colony Meet at Cherry Garden Hill farm shop at 9:45am (outskirts of Groombridge) or at 10am at Slab Castle apiary. Please register by clicking << here >>
Bee Disease Day On Friday the 7th of July members have an exciting and rare opportunity to handle and get up close to foulbrood with Dave and Celia Rudland of East Surrey bees. Dave used to be a seasonal bee inspector but now runs both East Surrey bees and the bee apprenticeship scheme for youngsters ...continue reading
HWBKA will have a stand at: The Summer Fair will take place at Goldsmiths Recreation Ground. There will be over 30 stalls where people can sell and display their products and share their information. This event is aimed to the whole family so there will be several ring performances and children’s activities. There will be ...continue reading
Summer Fair 15th July 2023, open between 13:00-18:00 The HWBKA stand is pitch No.29 Eridge Field, Goldsmiths Recreation Ground, Crowborough TN6 2TN
Varroa control options Please register by clicking << here >>
Bee Banter - Blue Anchor, Crowborough No need to book; just come along and chat.
Weald on the Field Local Produce - Live Music - Pop Up Bars - Street Food Join Food Rocks for a day of amazing local produce, street food, drink, live music & entertainment Since 2016 Weald on the Field has seen thousands flock to Uckfield for a fantastic day of local produce and great live ...continue reading
Summer Bar-B-Q at Sandy Infield's place There will be a charge for food - payable in advance. Bring your own drink.
Bee Banter - Rose and Crown, Mayfield No need to book; just come along and chat.
This meeting is for SBKA committee members only, but if you have any issue that you would like raised then please email any member of the HWBKA committee who can relay (see contacts page).
Bee Banter - Blue Anchor, Crowborough No need to book; just come along and chat.
Preparing hives for winter 11am Slab castle apiary Please register by clicking << here >>
Preparing honey for selling and for show entry to be held at Rob and Jo's home in Mayfield Please register by clicking << here >>