Colony of invasive red dwarf honeybee found for first time in Europe
30-Aug-24 – The Guardian
South African wine producer drone-drops wasps on vineyard
29-Aug-24 – The Drinks Business
Golf courses go green in bid to boost biodiversity
26-Aug-24 – ITV News
'Bees starving' in disastrous year for French honey
25-Aug-24 – Phys Org
Ukrainian beekeeper refuses to abandon hives as Russian troops advance
22-Aug-24 – France 24
First £1 coin featuring King Charles III enters circulation - Design with bees on reverse
20-Aug-24 – The Guardian
Researchers develop methods to detect ‘fake’ honey without even opening the jar
19-Aug-24 – Engineering and Technology
Blenheim celebrate World Honey Bee Day with conservation success
19-Aug-24 – Pro-Landscaper
How you can adopt a beehive to protect our honeybee population
10-Aug-24 – Country Living
Asian hornet 'nest sweeper' is developed for public use to reign in bee killing insects
07-Aug-24 – Plymouth Herald
Where have all the wasps gone this summer? All the buzz on their disappearance
06-Aug-24 – The Standard
Twente’s tiny tech triumph: Tracking Asian hornets to save bees
05-Aug-24 – Innovations
University invites public to join wasp study
05-Aug-24 – Punchline
Researchers develop AI capable of detecting invasive insect before it wreaks havoc: 'The results were encouraging'
05-Aug-24 – TheCoolDown
Confronting the global threat of invasive Asian hornets: a call for coexistence
02-Aug-24 – The National
Beekeeping Like Beckham! I had a crash course in the art of the apiarist
21-Jul-24 – Hello!
Jeremy Clarkson defends beehives following bee sting claims
21-Jul-24 – Oxford Mail