Membership Application / Renewal – 2022/2023 has now ended. New applications will be for the 2023/2024 season. Rates below are for 22/23, and new rates will be advised asap.


There are Four types of membership:  (See Membership Guide for full descriptions)

  1. Registered (a.k.a. Full) (Full membership of HWBKA & BBKA) - £28.50
    *   Newsletter
    *   BBKA affiliation with Bee Diseases Insurance for 3 colonies
    *   Third Party Insurance
    * BBKA News
  2. Partner (Partner or Relative of the Full member, residing at the same address, who also wishes to be a full member of HWBKA & BBKA – No BDI included) - £17.50
  3. Junior – under 18 yrs - (BDI is not included) - £12.50
  4. Associate/Social (For members of other BBKA affiliated Beekeeping Associations or those without bees – insurance is not included) - £10

New Members - please note

Our ‘accounting year’ runs from the 1st October to the 30th September and we are not taking any new applications for this year 2022/23. Applications will now be for the 2023/24 season.

Subscriptions will become due in October, but we would prefer members to pay in September if possible and definitely before the AGM [normally in November], because you won’t be able to vote or enter into any competitions, if you are not a member.

On-line Form and Subscription Rates for the year to the 30th of September

Please hold off your application until mid-September if you wish your membership to start on 1st October 2023.

Please complete ALL sections above

Our membership year is from 1st October to the 31st September. There are no "pro-rata" rates if you would like to join us or renew part of the way through the year.
Please arrange to pay your subscription dues asap, in order to avoid admin burdens, by either cheque or direct transfer of funds using the information below:-

Cheque Made payable to "High Weald Beekeepers" and posted to the Membership Secretary:-
Peter Halford, 2 Summertree Cottages, Shrieks Lane, Bodle Street Green, BN27 4QT.
Direct PaymentHigh Weald Beekeepers
Lloyds Bank, Tunbridge Wells
BranchSort Code : 30-98-77
Account No : 03074784
Use Surname and initials as your Reference

Please do NOT setup a Standing Order as fees can vary from year to year

This form is also downloadable as a printable pdf here Membership Application / Renewal Form 2022-23 and can be sent to
Peter Halford, 2 Summertree Cottages, Shrieks Lane, Bodle Street Green, BN27 4QT.
Email :

The data you provide will be used by HWBKA for the administration of your membership; the communication of information, and the organisation of events. Additionally, we provide your data to our parent associations, the British Beekeepers' Association (BBKA) and the Sussex Beekeepers' Association (SBKA) for their legitimate use as a membership organisation representing Honeybees and Beekeepers. For full details of our Privacy Policy please click "here" or to download click "here".