Bee, Wasp, or somethingelse

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Hornet like
Yellow-legged Mining Bee Andrena flavipes 8-9mm - 7-9mm
Tawny Mining Bee Andrena fulva 10-11mm - 6.5-9mm
Wool Carder Bee Anthidium manicatum 8-10mm - 9.5-12mm
Hairy-footed Flower Bee Anthophora plumipes and 10-11mm
Western Honeybee Apis mellifera 9-10mm - 12-13.5mm
Garden Bumblebee Bombus hortorum 13mm - 14mm
Tree Bumblebee Bombus hypnorum 11mm - 13mm
Heath Bumblebee Bombus jonellus 12mm - 12mm
Red-tailed Bumblebee Bombus lapidarius 13mm - 15mm
White-tailed Bumblebee Bombus lucorum 14mm - 15mm
Common Carder Bee Bombus pascuorum 10mm - 11mm
Early Bumblebee Bombus pratorum and 10mm
Buff-tailed Bumblebee Bombus terrestris 13mm - 14mm
Harebell carpenter bee Chelostoma campanularum 7mm - 7mm
Median wasp Dolichovespula media 19mm - 19mm
Saxon Wasp Dolichovespula saxonica 11-15mm - 13-15mm
Tree Wasp Dolichovespula sylvestris 11-15mm - 13-17mm
Marmalade Hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus and 10mm
Patchwork leafcutter bee Megachile centuncularis and 11mm
Flavous Nomad Bee Nomada flava and 7.5-10mm
Pied Hoverfly Scaeva pyrastri and 10.5-12mm
Long Hoverfly Sphaerophoria scripta and 7-12mm
Giant Woodwasp Urocerus gigas and 12-40mm
European Hornet Vespa crabro and 25-35mm
Asian Hornet Vespa velutina 20mm - 24mm
German Wasp Vespula germanica and 12-15mm
Red Wasp Vespula rufa and 12-15mm
Common Wasp Vespula vulgaris and 12-17mm
Hornet Mimic Hoverfly Volucella zonaria and 16-20mm