I did a HWBKA taster day last summer where I was surprised that 1. I didn’t get particularly freaked out that 30,000 bee’s were buzzing around me, 2. that it was quite a big commitment to become an Apiarist and 3. Not all bee keepers were weird long haired people with black teeth.
Having decided to postpone the beekeeping thing and making the decision to get some Chickens - not so scary, not too stingy and considerably less work - my wife threw a spanner in the works and forced the issue by buying me the full bee course as a Christmas present! Oh noooooo.
Anyway, I met some nice people, made some new friends and had a great time attending a very well organised and enjoyable course which follows a whole beekeeping year. I have learnt a hell of lot but have much more still to learn. The feeling of presenting your first jar of Honey to those you love will really take some beating (apart obvs from maybe Marrying the wife, having two amazing daughters, my Cocker Spaniels and Chelsea winning the Champions league in 2012)……...
Thanks to Malcolm, Keith, Steve, His Royal Highness and ever patient Dr Pete Coxon and all the seasoned Beekeepers who attended and helped in 2019.
Joe Jenkins