This is my first year as chairman and the committee has been working hard to organise events which we hope all our member will participate in. Our aim is to provide interesting , fun events covering all aspects of beekeeping for beginners and improvers.
Please keep checking events for what’s going on so you don’t miss out and please join us.
We will run our usual beginners course at our Cherry Gardens apiary. This runs throughout the beekeeping season. For the improvers we are running a Queen Rearing Group and hope to be able to raise local queens, best suited for our environment.
New this year we are offering a Taster Beekeeping Day, for anyone interested in bees. This will be held at our Rotherfield Apiary and will be a fascinating days insight into the world of bees and beekeeping.
We continue with our informal, friendly, social, bee banter evening meetings held on the second Thursday of the month at The Crow & Gate Crowborough and the last Tuesday of the month at The Rose and Crown Mayfield, where you can meet other beekeepers and ask any beekeeping questions. (Please see Events Page for up to date information on events)
We will be attending the Heathfield show, Framfield village show, Horam fun day and Crowborough fair.
Finally we would like to invite all our members to a BBQ on 18thJuly at our Rotherfield Apiary, a friendly social event to chat and share any problems or successes around beekeeping.
We welcome any suggestions for future events and wish all our members and friends a happy successful beekeeping year.
Helen Hadley